Last few days of LEO ride the Lion with courage

Happy last few days of Leo! The sun moves into Virgo on August 23rd and I'm ready for more of the grounded energy that comes with autumn. It's been a ferocious, firey, transformative July and August for me, and I feel like I haven't gotten off of Durga's lion. Trying to be courageous with as much grace as I can muster, I've been listening to my heart and soul, and to the friends I trust closest to me, and while trying to stay centered and strong in my core, I've been facing many of the deep changes that I've needed to make in my relationships with people, place, money and self. 

Actually making the changes necessary for my well being have been a long time coming and are emotionally difficult to make, so like I teach, I'm going step by step, even when I loose my cool due to the heart breaking, frustrating circumstances I've drawn toward me. It's been a summer of  revealing to heal and now it's time to release and transform. I can't get off the lion yet, and I'm hoping that the Virgin path which arrives with the sun's movement into Virgo on Saturday, August 23rd, will help to realign me with healthier relationships, structure and environment.

In the mean time, I am diligently working on my soon to launch hOMnaturale website and Organic Whole Food, Green Juicing and Nutrition and Yoga Wellness Ebooks so please stay tuned. I'll be extending my Ebook and Ecourse offerings ongoing, starting in the fall, beginning with my next DETOX hOMe and BODY program, which is an at-hOMe and at The Well, cleanse and yoga and meditation 7 day retreat, September 23-30th. It includes Organic Green Juicing, Yoga, Meditation and Thai Massage sessions. 

Also in October, from the 18-27th is another wellness opportunity, The annual OBX (Outer Banks, NC) SRV (Sexy Raw Vegan) Green Juice and Fitness Retreat. 
I'll be teaching yoga and meditation there again, and loving the beaches and wild horses while helping others and myself in this amazingly serene environment. 

  I also want to blog/share about the "Mythic Yoga Flow" series of classes I've been teaching all summer long at The Well in Wakefield. Well LLC (The Well is located near the Alternative Food Cooperative, above Dove n' Distaff, which is across from Kenyon Avenue).
These original yoga classes start with story and include asana flow and instruction, mantra and meditation.  I also teach the "Mythic Yoga Flow" classes at the beautiful outdoor classroom in Wakefield on the Saugatucket River, called The Sari Sanctuary. Please try to get your bootie out of bed for this beautiful meditative morning class before it gets to chilly. It starts at 7 AM and the sun shines bright as we salute it and rest in svanasana by 8:05. 
Sari Sanctuary on the Saugatucket River, Main St/High St. Wakefield, RI 
The Well LLC Cooperative, 365 Main St. Downtown Wakefield, RI
Above Dove n' Distaff, Room D, across from Kenyon Avenue

  Inspired by one of my one favorite yoga teachers, the ever bright light herself, Sianna Sherman, I've gathered many of the classic Indian tales and created my own classes to teach the lessons held within. There's stilll two more weeks of summer, and five more "Mythic Yoga Flow" classes you could make: Wednesday, Aug. 20 6-7 PM at The Well, and Tuesday's Sari Sanctuary class at 7 AM and my Tuesday, Aug. 26ths classes at The Well, held at 9:30 AM and 6 PM plus Wednesday Aug. 26th's Well session at 6.

 ~ Drink from The Well Within ~   
"Mythic Yoga Stories, Asana, Mantra and Meditation"
Quench your thirst for spiritual connection with inspirational stories, yoga and meditation. You'll be taught asanas (poses) with a purposeful intent and clear bio-mechanical alignment, so to keep your breath and inner essence flowing with awareness and ease.
The stories I'll share are from the Indian deities, sages and mythic warrior heroes that invoke wisdom and fresh incite into matters of both personal and worldly concern.  Yoga stories are equalizers, and remind us how we are all emotional beings on the path of life.

Yoga lore offers an invitation to go deep inside and through the many characters we can make connections with our own lives and become more aware of the teachings that are often less conspicuous, whether in our livee s or within the building and residing of each pose.
Knowing the stories behind your asana and mantra meditation practice adds purpose to each pose, and helps us align our attitude with the actions and benefits we receive while sitting in these "seats of our soul".

I'll share the stories of the goddesses Parvrti (Shakti), Durga, Sarswati, Kali and  Lakshmi, and the gods and sages, Shiva, Ganesha, Hanuman, Ashtavakra and Matsyendra. I'll instruct and assist while we practice seated poses like Laksmi's padmasana (lotus pose) and matsyendrasana (lord of the fishes seated twist), standing poses like natarajasana (king dancer) and eka pada hanumanasana (one legged standing splits dedicated to Hanuman, the monkey god) and arm balancing poses like astavakrasana (8 crooked limb pose).  Also, related to each story, we'll use mudras (hand positions) and chant mantras (mind-tools that are positive repetitions of vibratory sound) while we steady our circuitous ego mind,s and attune our intentions towards actualizing the transformation within the lessons taught through meditation and listening deep within. 

All levels welcome
Rebecca @ The Well classes are $5-$20 Pay what you can, when you can and good things will come. The currency flow goes to Rebecca for her teachings & to The Well, LLC & to Sari's Sanctuary and the Sari Fund which donates money to The Tomorrow Fund for families dealing with the financial and emotional hardships of  for when I teach outside at the River.

365 Main St Rm D (above Dove n' Distaff, next to Coop)
Sessions available for private Health Coaching (Detox Support, whole food nutrition & natural wellness practices), YogaMeditation & Thai Massage, $90/90 minutes

PACKAGE OFFERINGS: 8 Sessions $80/each (must book and stick to); 5 Sessions $85 each and 3 Sessions $87 each. Please call 24 hours in advance of cancellation and reschedule within week. Big Thanks! I schedule all day Tuesdays, or through out week when available.
Tuesdays between 11 AM -5:30 PM. Call or Text: 533-0116

DETOX hOMe & BODY   - a Tuesday to Tuesday Transformation: reclaim your soul, loose unwanted weight, gain incite and practice healthy habits
Two Weeks of Green Juicing, Nutrition, Fitness,
Yoga, Meditation & Thai Massage
Session 1: August 19-26 (closed)
Session 2: September 23-30 Tuesday to Tuesday

OCTOBER 12-18, 2014
Green Juice Cleanse, Yoga, Meditation & Beach Fitness
with Sexy Raw Vegan Crew

Goddess Retreat -- Hermosa, Costa Rica
Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 2014 (Was great fun, check out our photos!)
