Missing Shane - the bicoastal parenting predicament

SHANE TURNS 8 tomorrow, August 11th and he's 3000 miles away with his Papa. I love him so much.
I'm glad he and his Papa are together, and I'm psyched they visited my dear friend Darrah today, so he at least got a Mama like love hug from her.

He's quite the charmer and sincere, sweet little character. She said he walked through her garden and said, "Wow, it's even more big and beautiful than last year!"... so Shane, always recognizing the beauty around him. A true reflection of his own bright light. Letting my heart find it's own inner light while he's away is my challenge this month, but it's both fun and a lesson in remembering who I am.


Anonymous said…
Upward Bow Pose is a great backbend at the end of a practice. Leeann Carey, an amazing and inspiring yoga teacher, has a great free yoga video that shows some tips on getting to the pose from the ground. I thought your readers might be interested in checking it out: http://www.planetyoga.com/free-yoga-video-assisted-drop-backupward-bow-pose/