Re-structure your inner and outer lives, with harmony as your ultimate INTENTION during this autumn season and Libra sun cycle.

When we accept conflicting undercurrents inside and throughout, they don't take on momentous proportions when we regard them as natural, and sometimes fascinating. If the Buddha MarriedChpt 29, Feeling Peace

We have such possibility... all of us. It's inspiring to see our friends, students, work-mates, teachers and loved ones excel. It's even more empowering to feel ourselves rise to an occasion, working hard and long at something which reaps benefits for many.

This week The Alternative Food Coop, where I work part-time (although recently well over FUll time!), recently reopened after over a month of being closed due to structural damage which needed to be repaired in order for us to realign with our intention and be on a rightful path, ultimately serving the community with whole, organic food and products that are fairly, lovingly and sustainably created.

It has been encouraging to see so many of us employees, working members, loyal customers and even strangers enjoy ourselves even in the high stress pockets of this cleansing process. To destruct fully before repair was the hardest, but there was still so much laughter, conversation and companionship. There was satisfaction all along the way. These moments of remembering to enjoy ourselves will help us all to remember how it feels to put forth effort with an ease of attitude and a flow of grace.

This season, set a foundation to rise to your own occasion; to "re-open" if you will. What do you want to restructure, scrub clean and build again- with new sheen, illumination and purpose? Setting an intention to be in the flow of grace, recognizing the motivating power of having a good attitude, ready and steady and open to the possibility of healing, feeling good, achieving what you may have once felt was a long haul away, is half of the work. Remembering that You Already Are who you think you want to be, and practicing that remembrance, is the other half. Trusting in your foundation and Divine Goodness, will ultimately align you with the Universal flow of energy toward even more Grace, Bliss and full potentiality.

IN PHOTO: AFCoop workmate, Allison Kennedy, scrubbing shelf number 88.... we gave up counting and just kept on keeping on.
