Returning to my dharmic path... I'm teaching yoga again!

Ohmmmm, I am so excited and feeling really content... I'll be back teaching in the community of Wakefield, RI beginning Oct. 2nd, with two weekly classes, Thursdays 7-8:15 pm, and Saturdays 11:30am - 12:45pm. The 8 week sessions run through Nov. 22nd, and for only $62/session, that's less than $8/class. I have to thank Rose and Richard of the YOGA SCHOOL of SOUTH COUNTY and SK Parks and Recreation for the opportunity. Thank you, thank you!

ANUSARA is the fastest growing yoga style in the world, yet there are currently no certified Anusara yoga instructors in RI, but many eager practitioners. I myself will be teaching a vinyasa yoga class that emphasizes ANUSARA's Universal Principals of Alignment and heart opening wisdom. I am still in the process of becoming an ANUSARA Inspired Instructor, and it's an even longer process to become an ANUSARA Certified Instructor. I've seen many friends of mine in California go through the process. It's like getting your PhD in yoga. All I know is I enjoy learning and teaching and am delighted to have so much to offer to my students, new and previous, whatever level they are at. For lack of a better word, Anusara's teachings are impressively affective. The classes are fun, therapeutically mindful and spiritually enlightening. You'll see!

More good news, we are in the midst of starting a cooperative childcare program that will make coming to class less stressful for parents. Rose offers a Mom's Yoga Class, Fridays, 9:30-11am and I hope to also have child care covered during my Saturday 11:30-12:45pm class. Basically, we are providing you with highly responsible babysitters working for yoga trade or tips. Some of these baby sitters are yoga students with children of their own who are willing to sacrifice a class now and then to cover the child care shift in exchange for a free class.

The YSSC via SK Parks and Recreation has provided a comfortable, safe space for young kids to play while their parents are in class. There is a cap of 8 kids/class, ages infant and up. We've got primarily wooden toys, some dress up clothes, trucks, trains, dolls and lots of books to play with. The beautiful yoga studio is located in the lower level of the Peace Dale Office Building on Kingstown Road (the old post office), conveniently located adjacent to the Village Green playground (across the creek from the Neighborhood Guild and across the street from the Peace Dale Public Library.

Please see my hOMnaturale website, or link to the YOGA SCHOOL of SOUTH COUNTY's ( or the SK Parks and Rec Dept.'s website to review their fall schedule and access more information. My classes will not be found in the printed Parks and Rec book for fall, since they were added post printing. 

I Hope to see you smiling in savasana soon! 
