DeTox hOMe & Body: 7 Days of Yoga, Meditation and Organic Green Juice Cleansing with Rebecca Briggs, RYT, CN of hOMnaturale

A Seasonal Transformation of Self, starts here. 

Detox hOMe & Body: 7 Day Organic, Green Juice Cleanse, with Daily Yoga & Meditation, Thai Massage and 1:1 Health Coaching 

Reboot for fall by releasing what no longer serves you, restoring what needs TLC and rest, and revitalizing what needs uplifting attention, self nurturing and organic, whole food nutrients. 
AM akalining starter of purified Water with Lemon (with mint here) / Days 1-2 and 6-7 : Organic Green Smoothies and nutrient dense healthy snacks with all vegan ingredients, including protein rich, essential fatty acid enhanced super foods, like chia seeds, coconut water, maca or cacao powder, with organic, local kale, spinach and organic apples, pears  and cucumbers/ Days 2-6: Organic Green Juices, 3 per day with celery &/or cucumber bases, kale, spinach, arugula or other great leafy nutrient dense staples and delicious
low-glycemic, organic, fresh fruit & phyto-nutrient high herbs
PM Relaxing Herbal Teas or veggie broths to warm and soothe the nervous and digestive systems.


Program includes (for the first few days in, and last few days out of cleanse): 3 whole Thai young coconuts and smoothie and salad Super Foods (like kale, arugula, broccoli and radish  microgreens, cacao, maca, kava, hemp, chia, flax, goji, turmeric, sauerkraut, miso, nutritional yeast, and everything coconut); plus you'll receive 15 green juices for Wed. pm., Thur., Fri., Sat., & Sun ( 3/day of 14 oz drinks). At least ONE of the four liquid green juice days is to be completely liquid (no SOS green snack foods...), though you can liquid fast 1-4 days if desire.
  Juicing produce is all Certified Organic, or ecologically grown by local farmers. 
The $125 goes directly to Rebecca for her 1:1 Health Coaching, 90 min Thai massage, up to 5 yoga and meditation classes, and her 4 hOMnaturale  Ebooks you'll receive with Detox Info. & Inspiration,  Organic Green Juice & Smoothie Recipes, Meal Plans & Shopping Lists, and Mantras and Meditations for daily practice. 
 or  PLAN B) PICK-UP A BOX of all the ORGANIC PRODUCE you'll need for at-hOMe JUICING: $175 (also includes super foods for salads and smoothies). + $150 to Rebecca for Wellness Sessions. $175+$150 = $325

--You'll receive your first sampling of green juice and smoothie Super Foods with a Detox Discussion and Demo on Tuesday @ 5 PM, followed by a yoga and meditation class 6:00-7:30 PM. I'll cue you in on how to eat lightly over the first few days and give you a shopping bag of Super Foods and non-dairy protein rich milks (nut & seed milks and butters) to add to your hOMe made smoothies (you need to own a blender). For the first few days you eat as close to an unprocessed, whole, vegan diet as possible, mainly raw foods (salads, snacks and smoothies) with warm teas and veggie broth.
This will help you begin the liquid cleanse on Thursday with 3 nutrient-dense, organic, veggie and low glycemic fruit green-juices (like IVs of everything your cells are begging for).

JUICES rest your digestion which is key, and they are different (like apples and organges) from SMOOTHIES which are still keeping your GI tract busy. Both are good, and have specific purposes. Smoothies are great meals, containing nutrient dense proteins (like nut butters and spirulina) and good fat sources (like avocado and coconut "meat", flax, chia or hemp seeds). Smoothies contain super fruits like berries, and fruits that are smooth and creamy like bananas, avocados, mangos or peaches (as opposed to juicy citrus). Both green smoothies and green juices contain a blast of abundant vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients that your body needs to function efficiently and optimally, but juicing does so without the work of your digestive tract. Juicing allows your body to rest without processing the fiber of smoothies and solid foods, all while it revitalizes every cell and tissue, from the gut to the brain. The last two days of the cleanse eases you into solids again with micro-greens,  raw salads, and smoothies, miso soup and other broths and raw, plant based snacks.


  • DAYS Intro. & 1: Tuesday and Wednesday nights @ The Well (365 Main Street) 5-6 PM Discussion with 6-7:30 PM Meditation and Yoga Class
  • Receive demo and samplings of green juice and green smoothies, plus DeTox hOMe and Body eBook with schedule and information, meal plans, recipes and super foods for adding to your at-hOMe smoothies, plus a juicing shopping list to check off what you want, pending any food allergies or health concerns you may have.) 
  • DAY 2: No Session Thursday. Juice at hOMe and get outside and exercise, journal and breathe.
  • DAY 3: Friday @ River Bend (316 Columbia Street Peace Dale) 4-4:30 Meet with Yoga and Meditation Class 4:30-5:45 PM
  • No meeting Saturday, make appointments for your Thai massage and health coaching sessions. Make at hOMe smoothies with recipes and super foods given.
  • You need to have a high speed blender, nutribullet or food processor for smoothies. If you want to pick up the organic produce boxes and make the Green Juices at hOMe you will need a juicer (masticating, like a Champion or centrifugal, like a Breville, Jack Alane, or Acme). 
  • DAY 5: Sunday  @ River Bend Athletic Club  (9:00 AM - 9:30 Discussion & 9:30-10:45 Yoga) 
  • Receive a green juice and DeTox Cleanse & Healthy Habits Discussion
  • Pickup 2.5 days of organic green juices or organic produce boxes for 3 days of juicing 
  • DAY 6: No Session Monday (Drink or make your juices; schedule your Thai massage session!)
  • DAY 7: Tuesday  @ The Well, 365 Main St. Wakefield, upstairs Rm D                   (5:00-6:00 Discussion 6-7:15 Yoga) 
  • Discuss DeTox and closure with saurkraut and other probiotic foods and meal plans
GET ONE 60 MINUTE 1:1 Health Coaching Session with Rebecca at The Well, or at your hOMe, schedule with me as soon as can (can be within two week time zone).
GET ONE 90 MINUTE restorative, full-body Therapeutic Thai Yoga Massage @ The Well with Rebecca.
PLUS receive additional support, via inspirational and informational reminders, emails, links, and phone and text time with me that you may personally need.
Sessions with Rebecca are regularly $90/90 min. session, and are far less as a part of
Rebecca's hOMnaturale  DeTox hOMe & Body fee of $150 for Ebooks & sessions
which also includes.....

ATTENDANCE in up to FIVE of Rebecca's Yoga & Meditation Classes held at The Well Cooperative on Main Street in Wakefield, RI and at River Bend Athletic Club on Columbia Street 
in Peace Dale.  (membership is not necessary)
OR Attend any 3 of Rebecca's yoga classes and any 2 of the excellent yoga teachers' classes at 

 YOGA and MEDITATION: Tuesdays 6-7:30 PM & Wednesdays 6-7:15 PM
THE WELL:  365 Main Street, Room D (above Dove n' Distaff) across from Kenyon Ave. 
Next door to The Alternative Food Coop   

Fridays 4:30-5:45 PM, Sundays 9:30-11 AM
River Bend Athletic Club Columbia Street Peace Dale RI 

RECEIVE ONE 90 MINUTE THAI MASSAGE with Rebecca @ The Well or your hOMe during your week of cleansing, or during the week before or after the cleanse. Regularly $90-$125.

RECEIVE a 1 hour Health Coaching Session with Rebecca, to be scheduled at your convenience at your hOMe Regularly $60/HR.

Learn how to juice more efficiently, stock your fridge or pantry for mindful, healthful family eating or just let loose and learn. Let me know your health conditions, family needs, likes and dislikes, and I'll hold your hand while you get yourself where YOU are determined to be, with helpful economical and tasty, nutritious recipes, meal plans and tips. I'll also give you a list of the films, books and on line links to keep you inspired and fired up to stay on course all year long.

RECOMMENDED READING: Kris Carr's Crazy, Sexy, Diet +/or Crazy, Sexy Kitchen
Alejandro Junger, MD's Clean or Clean Gut and
Dr. Habib Sadeghi's WITHIN

  1. My hOMnaturale "7-28 Day Detox hOMe & Body" eBook: $5 (regularly $15)
  2. My hOMnaturale "7 Fave Green Juice & Smoothie Recipes" eBooks: $10 (reg. $7 each)
  3. My hOMnaturale "7 Daily Meditations, Mudras & Mantras" eBook: $10 (reg. $15)

TOTAL PRICE: $325 ( $175 organic food + $150 Wellness Sessions including 5 Yoga & Meditation Classes, 1 Thai massage and 1 Health Coaching Appointment  + four eBooks that contain Meal Plans, Smoothie & Juicing Recipes and 7 Daily Meditations.)

  • WEEK LONG physical, emotional and spiritual support and guidance from Rebecca J. Briggs, R.Y.T., C.N. Rebecca has over twenty five years of experience working with private clients, the general public, and medical professionals on how to most easily transform not so healthy habits into a much more healthy, all natural and sustainable lifestyle which includes regular practices of yoga and daily meditation, and most especially growing, shopping, preparing and serving the most unprocessed, closest to nature whole foods this earth has provided for us, the human being. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food and listen to mother nature (of which your body is a part of) for she surely knows best, and is wonderful to come hOMe to. 
  • CONTACT REBECCA for REGISTRATION or  PAYMENT PLANS.  401-533-0116 or comment here and I'll respond. 
  • Namaste, Rebecca


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IFA said…
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dashama said…
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