NEW TUESDAY YOGA CLASSES: Mythic Yoga Story, Asana, Mantra and Meditation @The Well and Sari Sancturary

JOIN ME at THE WELL, LLC for YOGA and MEDITATION CLASSES, public or private. 
THE WELL, LLC is located in the heart of downtown Wakefield, RI, on Main Street across from Kenyon Avenue. On nice days we may walk to Sari's Sanctuary, just 200 yards behind The Well, along the Saugatucket River.  Sari's Sanctuary is a beautiful outdoor classroom built in honor of Sarah (Sari) McClarron (1993-2005). Sari loved nature and the wildlife that played, nested and fed in this river.
Just being in Sari's Sanctuary fills you with an appreciation and sweetness for life.
Sari's Sanctuary, Outdoor Classroom along the Saugatucket River, is behind The Wakefield Elementary School off High Street, and across the river from downtown's row of popular businesses along Main Street, from Fat Belly's and MamaBird, to The Alternative Food Coop and Dove n' Distaff  (where The Well is located). 
REBECCA'S PUBLIC CLASSES are $5-$20 Pay what you can, when you can, just come -  good things will flow with the movement of shri (abundance & creative life force energy).  My classes all contain story, mantra (repetitive chants) and meditation, as well as flowing and instructional asanas (postures) for all level of student. We have mats if you need one.

"Mythic Yoga Stories, Asanas, Mantras and Meditations 

For a summer full of inspiration and ignition, learn from the deities of mythic yoga lore. Storytelling helps us connect with all the parts of who we are through all the characters of the story. They are symbolic representations of our experiences and emotions; spanning generations and ethnicity, stories are a fun way to help us connect with ourselves from the inside out. Following the 5-10 minutes of story, we'll move through a flowing asana practice, clearing our bodies and stilling our minds for meditation, as practiced with mudra (hand gestures), mantra (repetitive sound that has good vibrations) and intention. Through this yoga practice, we'll connect with our hearts, and illuminate ourselves from the inside out, with courage and grace.

TUESDAYS 7-8 AM / 9:30-11 AM/ and 6-7:30 PM  at THE WELL  365 Main St. Wakefield, RI

Find a comfortable seat. Place your hands on your thighs in
chin mudra (thumbs and forefingers touching) or with the left hand cupping your right, elbows beneath your shoulders. With a straight spine, begin connecting with your breath; consciously breathing a 1:1 inhale to exhale.Giving as much emphasis and time to your inhalation as to your exhalation until it becomes effortless.
 Focus your minds eye on the depths of your belly, as you stoke its fire,
and to the light of your heart, as you reveal it's true loves. 
Keep breathing, even inhales to exhales. 

Inhale 4 counts, through your nostrils. Exhale 4 counts through your nostrils. 
Inhale fullness and brightness. Exhale freedom and lightness. 

Bring the uplifting breath from your lower belly and back body, into the depths of your being,
and lift the brightness of your heart to the darkness behind your eyes,
through the back of your throat to the crown of your head.
Align your intention of how you wish to be this summer with your potential for abundance and growth
and for the beauty, patience and awareness needed in your own unfolding lushness.  

Inhale 4 cts. Exhale 4 cts. Inhale 4 cts. Exhale 4cts. 
7 x's

The awakening shakti (creative feminine energy of the universe) is symbolized in the  
Goddess Lakshmi (pronounced LUCK Shmee, or LUCK Shree, not by accident) 
Lakshmi's energy is that of creating love, abundance and prosperity, within and throughout.  
 Invoking the Goddess Laksmi through story, mantra and meditation, as well as through beautiful asana (postures), brings a wealth of grace, beauty and most importantly gratitude into and from our hearts.
The abundance that we all hold within, no matter what we own, possess or do on the outside, is ultimately what is most important in life. We hold an abundance of inner qualities, thoughts, dreams and desires and all are not bright, some dark and mysterious; Lakshmi reminds us to feel grateful for all the parts of who we are, and to accept, acknowledge and live with gratitude for all that we are. We are abundance itself. We can internally drop the self-improvement efforts, put down whatever heavy load our psyches may be carrying. Each pose that we do is deep enough, each breath we take sustains us enough so that we can do this practice. The amount we devote to it is enough. We are more than enough. This is a practice of self-love.

Repeat Lakshmi's Mantra 

You can ask Lakshmi, in your own words, to be present with you during this meditation,
 and through this mantra you can invoke her teachings and energy.
Repeating the mantra (mind tool) is bringing positive vibrational energy into your psyche;
it basically translates as:
Om, I invoke the energy of Lakshmi that is contained in the seed mantra of Shreem.

Om SHREEM Lakshmi Eh NAmaha

Om SHREEM Lakshmi Eh NAmaha

Om SHREEM Lakshmi Eh NAmaha

Repeat 7x's 

Focusing on your heart as you breath. Listen within, to the vibration of your cells.
Imagine all that is in this world that you Love. EVERYTHING that you love. Feel your chest expand.
Feel the abundant spaciousness and freedom that is within you. In every one of our cells is universal energy toward happiness and bliss, not solid dense mass constricting us, but waves of spacious energy freeing us to move in the direction of loving growth, prosperity and abundance.

Begin at this moment, with your very next choice, to give your cells the energy, thought, sunlight and love, healthy foods and habits that nurture their wellness and potential. Recognize that all that you wish to be is already within you, and take care to nourish this abundance. And throughout this summer, Shine from the inside out, like Lakshmi rising from the ocean of our hearts on a luminous lotus flower.
Namaste~ Rebecca
Come to class and you'll get the full Laksmi story.
