Create your reality
My Daily OM from yesterday was...
By choosing how to interpret and define each moment with your thoughts, you truly create your reality.
This affirmation is gonna last me awhile, and I think I'll teach it this week to my yoga students, since I teach best, what I most need to learn.
Indeed, "Our only true reality is the present moment", and it is in our best interest to not merely accept that life is happening to us, but rather, we can harness the power of our thoughts and actively create a positive reality. Through our thoughts we move the unformed energy of the universe into form, which gives us direction for our words and actions."
We can choose to appreciate the beauty around us, rather than focus on the crazy traffic. We can look for admirable qualities in the people we deal with rather than focusing on the negative. We can see the time we used to spend at a job we may no longer have, as new opportune time to go deeper toward what we need serious contemplation to fully vison and hence create.
Throughout the day, practice creating a reality rich in possibility, by first monitoring your thoughts; you may catch yourself investing energy in limiting beliefs— instead pull your focus back to the infinite possibilities of the present. Taking a deep breath will help you center your thoughts on being in your body right now.
Beginning or maintaining a regular meditation is a way of gaining mastery over our minds. Yoga and mediation are practices that still thoughts to focus on the pureness of being. We may miss the experience of living in the present, by mentally dwelling on the past or the future. Setting and visualizing goals is wonderful, but we can bring our thoughts into our current experience by taking steps to create them now.
As the weather warms, and days lengthen with sunshine, the earth creates new life, rich with Shri - vitality, beauty and so much possibility. Be in the moment, spring forth with all that you want to grow, and nurture your garden with golden thoughts of loving optimism.
By choosing how to interpret and define each moment with your thoughts, you truly create your reality.
This affirmation is gonna last me awhile, and I think I'll teach it this week to my yoga students, since I teach best, what I most need to learn.
Indeed, "Our only true reality is the present moment", and it is in our best interest to not merely accept that life is happening to us, but rather, we can harness the power of our thoughts and actively create a positive reality. Through our thoughts we move the unformed energy of the universe into form, which gives us direction for our words and actions."
We can choose to appreciate the beauty around us, rather than focus on the crazy traffic. We can look for admirable qualities in the people we deal with rather than focusing on the negative. We can see the time we used to spend at a job we may no longer have, as new opportune time to go deeper toward what we need serious contemplation to fully vison and hence create.
Throughout the day, practice creating a reality rich in possibility, by first monitoring your thoughts; you may catch yourself investing energy in limiting beliefs— instead pull your focus back to the infinite possibilities of the present. Taking a deep breath will help you center your thoughts on being in your body right now.
Beginning or maintaining a regular meditation is a way of gaining mastery over our minds. Yoga and mediation are practices that still thoughts to focus on the pureness of being. We may miss the experience of living in the present, by mentally dwelling on the past or the future. Setting and visualizing goals is wonderful, but we can bring our thoughts into our current experience by taking steps to create them now.
As the weather warms, and days lengthen with sunshine, the earth creates new life, rich with Shri - vitality, beauty and so much possibility. Be in the moment, spring forth with all that you want to grow, and nurture your garden with golden thoughts of loving optimism.